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Who do I have to Inform at the WBG?
Who must inform Pension Administration?
A family member or Executor of the Estate has to inform Pension Administration.
How quickly must we inform Pension Administration?
Inform Pension Administration as soon as possible but within 15 days of the death so that they can act on the pension and notify other relevant WBG departments, such as HR Operations.
What information does Pension Administration need?
- Date of death – attach the official, Certified Death Certificate in your email to the Pension Dept. If it is not in English, attach a translation.
- The immediate contact person’s name and contact information (phone, email).
If the Death Certificate is not in English, what do I do?
If the Death Certificate is not in English, include a translation (which does not have to be certified). The Death Certificate can be sent at the time of initial notification to the Pension Administration.
What does Pension Administration do?
- Pension Administration is responsible for the Pension/Lump-Sum death benefit.
- Pension Administration informs HR Operations about the death of the retiree or spouse.
- Pension Administration informs the 1818 Society (the Retiree Society).
- Pension Administration sends you forms to fill out. Be sure to fill out and return quickly.
- Pension Administration makes a final pension payment into the deceased retiree’s account at the end of the month in which the death occurs.
- Pension Administration can confirm who the beneficiaries are.
What does Pension Administration NOT do?
- Pension Administration does not inform the Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union (BFSFCU). You may email them: memberservices@bfsfcu.org
- Pension Administration does not inform Aetna (health insurance). You may call them at +1 202 473 8666 or 1 800 723 8897.
- Pension Administration does not inform the company Principal about your Net Plan 401(k). You may call them at 1 800 986 3343.
- Pension Administration or HR Operations do not inform the World Bank Fitness Center to cancel the deceased person’s membership. You may email them: fitnesscancel@worldbank.org
- Pension Administration does not inform the WBG ID office. You may email them: ioffice@worldbank.org or +1 202 458 4486.
Always mention the UPI.
What does HR Operations do?
- HR Operations is responsible for Medical Insurance (RMIP/RMBP) and Life Insurance.
- HR Operations submits the life insurance claim to Prudential (the Life Insurance company) and gives Prudential the death certificate and the form called Designation of Beneficiary. Prudential processes the death claim settlement according to the signed beneficiary form.
HR Operations can be contacted at:
Email: hroperations@worldbank.org
Phone: +1 202 473 2222
Always mention the UPI.
When can I expect Pension Administration to send me forms to fill out?
Within 10 working days after receiving the notification that the person is deceased, the Pension Administration sends forms to be filled out and returned quickly.
If a survivor’s pension/lump-sum death benefit is due, the following will be requested:
- Bank account details into which the survivor’s pension will be paid monthly:
– Within the U.S.: the bank’s ABA number.
– Internationally: the bank’s SWIFT/BIC number or (for Europe and Asia) IBAN number.
- U.S. Tax Residents: the Pension Administration needs to know your citizenship/residence/visa status in order to provide information you will need to file U.S. tax returns.
When signing the form you must have your signature witnessed by 2 non-family members (they do not have to have any official status), and attach 3 items:
- Voided check of the bank account into which you want to receive pension payments or a note to confirm that you want to continue paying the pension into the same account as before.
- Copy of the surviving beneficiary(ies) passport(s) or driver’s license(s).
- Official Death Certificate unless you already submitted it with the initial
notification to the Pension Administration.
How do I continue to receive the Income Tax Supplement under the Net Pension Plan?
The WBG reimburses income tax for Net Plan pensioners. To continue this benefit, you need to do the following:
For U.S. taxpayers: please file a U.S. Lump Sum Income Tax Supplement form and/or U.S. Annuity Tax Supplement form with the WBG Tax Office.
For Non-U.S. taxpayers: please file a Non-U.S. Annuity Income Tax Supplement form annually with the WBG Tax Office.
Please note: there is no income tax supplement for 401(k) distributions.
The World Bank Tax Office can be contacted at:
Phone: +1 202 458 4191
Email: TaxOffice@worldbank.org
The deceased does not have a Spouse/Partner – Now what happens?
A lump sum (one amount) death benefit payment will be paid to the beneficiary/ies on file. Pension Administration sends a letter to the beneficiary/ies to inform them of the amount.
When will the survivor receive pension payments?
About 6 weeks after notification of the death, Pension Administration will start the pension payments to the survivor, on the last day of each month, with a cost of living (COLA) adjustment each May.
When will the deceased person's pension payment stop?
Pension Administration makes a final pension payment into the deceased person’s account at the end of the month in which the death occurs.
The deceased person’s account has received an overpayment – What do I do?
If any overpayments were made to the retiree these will be recovered from the surviving spouse/partner’s pension.
The pension was always paid in local currency (not US$) – Should I change this as survivor?
Because of the complicated way in which the exchange rate is calculated, you are strongly advised to consult the Pension Administration to see whether a change in the currency of payment is to your advantage.
Who are the beneficiary/ies?
A retiree or survivors can find out what beneficiary(ies) is/are currently on file:
I wish to access forms online related to pension and survivor benefits, where can I find these?
If I cannot access pension and survivor benefits forms online because I do not have the login of my spouse, how can I get these forms?
Pension Administration can be contacted at:
Email: 1pension@worldbank.org
Phone: +1 202 458 2977
Always mention the UPI.
I am a beneficiary. Am I eligible for a survivor benefit?
Eligible surviving spouse/WBG registered partner means that you were the spouse on the last day of service, on the pension effective date and who is the named beneficiary for a spouse pension on the pension application, and the same spouse on the date of death. If you meet these conditions you are automatically the “eligible surviving spouse”.
If there is no “eligible surviving spouse” at the time of death, then the benefit will be paid as a lump sum to the designated beneficiary(ies) on file with the Pension Administration.
Children are not the automatic beneficiaries for this purpose unless they are named as the beneficiaries.
I am a surviving spouse/partner/orphan. Will my Medical Insurance (RMIP) continue?
I am a surviving spouse/partner and participating in the Retiree Medical Insurance Plan (RMIP) – Will there be any change?
If your deceased spouse/partner was on the Gross Plan and you are on the Net Plan, the RMIP will be subject to change and may need to shift from the Gross Plan RMIP to the Net Plan RMIP when their spouse dies. For any questions related to the RMIP please contact HR Operations: hroperations@worldbank.org
Always mention the UPI.
I am a surviving spouse/partner and U.S. Resident: Do I have to enroll in Medicare? And what happens to Aetna?
If you are the surviving spouse/partner and are a U.S. resident of 65 years or older, you must enroll in Medicare your primary health insurance, while Aetna will become the second insurance plan. You must pay the Medicare premium and also the Aetna premium.
HR Operations will reimburse the Medicare premium after you send (by email) HR Operations your Medicare premium statement at the beginning of each year. The Medicare premium reimbursement will be paid along with the monthly pension payment.
HR Operations:
Phone: +1 202 473 2222
Email: hroperations@worldbank.org
My spouse/partner was enrolled in WBG’s Life Insurance – What do I do and who submits the claim?
- Send an official Death Certificate to HR Operations by email.
Email: hroperations@worldbank.org
- HR Operations submits the life insurance claim to Prudential (the Life Insurance company) and gives Prudential the Death Certificate and the form called Designation of Beneficiary. Prudential processes the death claim settlement according to the signed beneficiary form.