Ecological Sustainability and Integrity: Concepts and Approaches (Environmental Science and Technology Library Book 13)
Last Name: Goodland
First and Other Names: Robert, with John Lemons, and Laura Westra (eds)

This book follows upon earlier work which culminated in the publication of two recent books, Sustainable Development: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy (John Lemons and Donald A. Brown, editors), and Perspectives on Ecological Integrity (Laura Westra and John Lemons, editors). Both of these books also were published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. In this book, we seek to explore more fully the concepts of sustainability and ecological integrity as well as the connections between them. We have divided chapters into three groups. In the first, the concept of sustainability in relation to science, law, and ethics is explored. In the second, concepts of sustainability and ecological integrity are applied to problems in specific natural resources. Finally, in the third group we examine possible approaches to public policy which might include concepts of sustainability and ecological integrity. Overall, we believe that this collection presents a wide variety of perspectives, discussions, and case studies.
Year of Publication: 2010
Publisher: Springer
Category: Sustainable Development
Language: English