Redefining Development: The Extraordinary Genesis of the Sustainable Development Goals
Last Name: Caballero
First and Other Names: Paula, with Patti Londoño

This extraordinary first-person story of what can be achieved through informal diplomacy traces the improbably successful struggle to achieve acceptance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—and thus transform the global development agenda—against all odds. Moving from the framing of the SDGs concept through the entire negotiation process (including a trove of key documents), Paula Caballero and Patti Londoño's vibrant narrative provides rare insight into informal diplomacy and multilateralism in action. Their insiders' account provides a unique perspective on how global movements and agendas can be built and impelled forward. Not least, it also serves to prove that just a few committed individuals can generate radical change. Open Access ebook: download here ( )
Year of Publication: 2022
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Category: Sustainable Development
Language: English