2023 Elections – Report of the Search Committee


In accordance with the 1818 Society By-Laws, the Board of Directors established a Search committee of seven volunteers to help with the search and nomination process of the 2023 elections. Nominations were solicited for the positions of the President and Chair of the Board, and for three (3) positions of Directors, each to serve for a three-year term. Only one candidate submitted his nomination for the position of President and Chair of the Board. In accordance with Section 1 (ii) of Article V of the By-Laws, voting shall not be required for that position.

Elections for the three (3) positions of Directors will be held from September 25 to October 16, 2023. Results will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting.

The Search Committee’s Report is attached below:

Report of the 1818 Society Search Committee
for the 2023 Election

The 2023 Search Committee has concluded its responsibilities in accordance with Article VI, Section 2, of the 1818 Society Bylaws.

As stated in the Search Committee’s Terms of Reference, approved by the 1818 Society Board on May 4, 2023, the Search Committee “actively searched and solicited expressions of interest for candidates for membership of the Board of Directors.” The nomination deadline was July 14, 2023.

The Committee received 7 nominations, six for Director and one for President and Chair of the Board. All candidates completed the form provided in accordance with the information requirements in the Bylaws, and all were judged to meet the criteria. No nominee was rejected.

We recommend the following slate of candidates (click here to view the candidates’ statements)

For Director (6):
Preeti Ahuja
Morallina George
Javed Hamid
Judith Pearce
Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard
Mark Walker

For President and Chair of the Board (1):
Anis Dani

The candidates represent a reasonable diversity given the small number, including DC vs non-DC, IFC, and different career paths within the Bank. as well as longer-term and more recent retirees.

Search Committee Members:
Dirk Mattheisen, Chair
Georgina Baker
Gail Davenport
Sandra Hadler
Graciela Luna
Bayo Oyewole
Deborah Wetzel