Aid Relationships in Asia : Exploring Ownership in Japanese and Nordic Aid
Last Name: Jerve
First and Other Names: Alf Morten, Yasutami Shimomura, and Annette Skovsted Hansen (eds)

This book offers fresh perspectives on current aid effectiveness and the aid relationship debate by providing a number of case studies of Japanese and Nordic aid relationships in various Asian countries, focusing on aid ownership and partnership at the implementation level. In particular, the book explores aid relationships from the perspective of the recipient, and provides a variety of cases, ranging from rapidly developing countries where aid plays a smaller role, such as China, Vietnam and Thailand, to more aid-dependent countries, such as Nepal, Sri Lanka and Mongolia. By offering a three-dimensional comparison - between aid-dependent and less aid-dependent countries in Asia, between various Nordic donors and Japan, and between aid interventions and relations at different levels (macro and micro) and stages (from planning to management of outcomes) - this book provides a comprehensive overview of the issues. Furthermore, with its many examples of aid relationships the book explores and deconstructs the concept of 'ownership'.
Year of Publication: 2008
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Category: Development aid
Language: English